Farewell 2018

Hello, and sorry for the long break. This year has been more demanding than usual for me, and finding free time to write and blog has been challenging. I hope 2018 has been a good year for you, and I wish for bigger and better things for all of us in 2019. For my final post of the year, I'd like to share another ebook advertising experience with you.

I ran a sale of The Oxbow Kingdom Trilogy ebook compilation this week, and set the sale price at $2.99 instead of my usual $1.99. This appears to have been a mistake, when compared to my previous $1.99 trilogy sales. Case in point, I spent $67 running ads on Book Barbarian and Fantasy Book Deals and recorded a dismal four sales so far (the sale ends Tuesday, December 18).

Since December is usually my best sales month and I've always had decent results when using Book Barbarian and Fantasy Book Deals, I can only deduce that people don't consider $2.99 a bargain, even if it's for a three-book set. It's possible I've over-saturated  Book Barbarian and Fantasy Book Deals with The Oxbow Kingdom Trilogy, as the sales numbers have declined somewhat since my May 2018 ad, where I sold over 40 compilations with these two services. My September ad sold around 30 sets and I expected similar numbers this month, mainly because of the holiday shopping season.

I also applied for ads at ENT and Robin Reads, but was declined by both this time. It's possible the $2.99 sales price factored into their decisions as well. I'll chalk it up to an expensive learning experience and cross my fingers that I get a good review or two from those four sales.

I'm still working on a new fantasy novel, though I'll reluctantly admit, the last several months have been a slog. If you're curious about the new work-in-progress, I blogged about it here.

Once again, thank you for following me--I truly appreciate your support! I hope you have a peaceful holiday season and a wonderful new year. See you in '19!
