
Showing posts from February, 2018

Crimson & Cream Sale

PLEASE NOTE: The 99-cent sale starts on Monday, February 9, 2018. I'm sorry for the mix-up and apologize for the inconvenience. A quick blast to let you know Crimson & Cream is on sale for 99 cents .  And, as always, every book in The Oxbow Kingdom Trilogy is free to read on Kindle Unlimited . Please spread the word if you get the chance. I'm running ads with Robin Reads, Booksends, Fantasy Book Deals, and OTOH, books. I'll let you know how each ad performs in my next post. Excerpt: “What’s yer name, knave?” “Jetsam.” “What’re ye doin’ up in the weald, Jetsam?” Jetsam remained silent, debating his answer.   What should I say?   The towering brute had little patience.   He raised the back of his hand and in a flash, struck Jetsam across the cheek.   “Well?”   Jetsam couldn’t come up with any lie better than the truth. “I’m a runaway,” he blurted as his cheek turned rosy-red.

Amazon Ads Analysis

Last month I posted a summary of my 2017 eBook sale promotions and this month I'm sharing the results of my 2017 Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) advertising campaigns. I've been advertising my three epic fantasy novels and a  compilation eBook  on AMS since June 2017. After some trial-and-error experimenting, I'm currently earning more in combined eBook sales and Kindle Unlimited (KU) revenue than I spend on AMS advertising; however, the Amazon market is dynamic and ever-changing, and your promotional tactics need to be flexible as well. What works today may not work tomorrow, and results will certainly vary by user. I'm quite conservative in my AMS spending, as if you're not careful, it is easy to spend a lot of money while getting no sales. AMS provides you two choices when setting up your ads: 1) Sponsored Products (or keywords ads) and 2) Product Display Ads (aka focused ads). I've found that the Sponsored Products (aka keywords ads) perform better ov