
Showing posts from January, 2014

My Favorite Writing Blogs

Despite my best intentions, January 2014 is slipping away from me with many of my goals unfinished. Between two stubborn seasonal viruses, holiday travel, and a demanding two-week project at my day job that devoured my free time and energy, this month will go down as a bust as far as my writing is concerned. Still, I wanted to get out at least one blog post before February arrives, so here it is. If you follow this blog, you know I like to share free online resources for indie writers. Whereas I focus on things like tips, tools, references, resources, and the like, I stay away from actually offering any writing advice. At this stage of my career, I'm still trying to soak up as much as I can and have no intention of masquerading as an expert. However, there are two blogs in particular that I follow regularly that focus on the nuts and bolts of improving your writing. For authors at the competency (or incompetency) level that I'm at, I think each of these blogs has a lot to o...