How My Goodreads Ad Performed

In February, I spent $20 for a Goodreads ad for my epic fantasy ebook Crimson & Cream. To place an ad, Goodreads charges you for an initial set amount (a minimum of $10) and each click your ad receives deducts the cost per click (CPC) from your total amount paid. For example, if you spent $10 to start your campaign, and set your CPC to $1, you would get charged $1 for each click, up to ten, when your $10 would be depleted and your ad would stop running. You can set the amount you pay per click, although the instructions indicate the more you pay per click, the higher priority your add receives in placement. If you don't receive any clicks on your ad, Goodreads will refund your money upon request.

So far, I've had $11.30 deducted from my $20 payment from a total of 10 clicks on my Crimson & Cream ad. Here's an update of the ad's performance results to date (other than sales, these statistics are provided on your Goodreads Campaign Page):
  • Total views of my ad on Goodreads: 59,302
  • Total number of Goodreads members who clicked on my ad: 10
  • Total members who added Crimson & Cream to their reading list: 14
  • Total Amazon sales during add: 0
So far, I've seen no return on my investment as far as sales go, although there's a possibility that some of the 14 people who added Crimson & Cream to their Goodreads list may purchase the book at some point. Once my $20 runs out, I plan to try a Facebook at and see how the results compare with Goodreads. I'll share those results, along with the final Goodreads ad numbers, here as well.
~ ~ ~
Spring Fantasy Giveaway: From April 21 through April 23, 2016Mirrors & Mist will be available for free on Amazon. During that same time, Crimson & Cream will be available for free on Smashwords with this coupon code: HS47W.

I'm advertising my giveaway on these websites, which feature free promotions: 
    • Armadillo ebooks
    • Ask David
    • Author Marketing Club
    • Awesome Gang
    • Book-Circle
    • Best eBooks Free
    • Choosy Bookworm
    • eBook Lister
    • eBook Stamp
    • eBookasaurus
    • eBooks Habit
    • eReader Utopia
    • Freebooksy
    • Free 99 Books
    • Frugal-Freebies
    • Ignite Your Book
    • Indie Book of the Day
    • It's Write Now
    • Kindle Book Promos
    • OHFB (One Hundred Free Books)
    • Reading Deals
    • The Daily Bookworm
    • The eReader CafĂ©
    • The Kindle Book Review
If you haven't tried The Oxbow Kingdom Trilogy yet, now is your chance to do so at no cost.

Here's what readers are saying about Crimson & Cream and Mirrors & Mist:
  • "Every once in a while I come across a book that completely takes me by surprise--in the best of ways--and I absolutely fall in love with it CRIMSON & CREAM was one of these for me!"
  • "I loved this book! This book has it all; adventure, magic, myth, legend. Epic fantasy at it's best."
  • "...the most surprising book I read in 2016!"
  • "This is a story of survival that is full of heart and humanity."
  • " adventure tale of daring escapes and desperate discoveries filled with interesting characters, evil villains, frightening monsters, and black magic."
  • "I absolutely loved every minute I spent in this world. Your heart breaks for Jetsam, his band of orphans will make your heart ache with pity and feelings."
  • "...a surefire magnetic for reluctant YA readers."
  • "...will have you turning the pages as fast as you can..."
  • "C.M. Skiera has a wonderful talent for description and dialogue, and his characters are unique and interesting."
  • "I was never bored, never anything less than turning the pages to find out what happens next."
~ ~ ~

Author update: I'm 75% through editing and revising the first draft of Warlock & Wyrm, the third (and final) book of the Oxbow Kingdom trilogy.
