Book Promo Autopsy: 2017 in Review
With 2017 behind us, I studied the costs and results of all the eBook sale promotions I ran last year, with the goal of optimizing my advertising spend for 2018. I ran seven Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) promotions in 2017 for three novels and a compilation eBook . All the promotions ran in the second half of the year, so it's really a six-month data set. What follows are my results advertising fantasy eBook sales - your experience will vary. For each of my seven KDP eBook sales, I ran only one promo per day (although my Amazon ads were running simultaneously, so a small portion of the daily sales can be attributed to the Amazon ads). Over the last six months of 2017, I advertised with the following online book sale promotion services: 1. BKnights (on Fiverr) : I ran 3 events for a cost of $27 and sold 9 eBooks, for a cost/sale of $3.00 2. BookBarbarian : Ran 3 events for a total of $100 and sold 67 eBooks, for a cost/sale of $1.49 3. BookDoggy :...