New Writing Resources

Hello! It's been a while. I hope you've all been well. Below is a very brief update of what I've been up to since last summer. I'm working on boosting my book marketing efforts and discovered some valuable resources available from BookBub.

The links below focus on self-publishing and marketing help: 

In addition, if you sign up for the BookBub Partners Blog, you can download The Ultimate Collection of Book Marketing Examples for free. The e-book presents successful authors' webpages, bios, and social media pages. It's a handy resource to spark your imagination and help you present yourself professionally, while comparing your online marketing materials to those of the very best in the business.

As far as my writing progress, I've finished the first draft of my next fantasy novel, and look forward to starting the editing, revising, and polishing process. The latest book is a stand-alone novel set in a frigid archipelago. The story features three protagonists--a grizzled warrior, an enigmatic priestess, and a flawed royal--battling deadly foes and vile treachery as their realm crumbles around them. 

As for my already-published work, to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Crimson & Cream's release, I've commissioned new covers for all three of The Oxbow Kingdom Trilogy novels. The new book cover artwork will debut in 2023. 

And, finally, Warlock & Wyrm, Book III of The Oxbow Kingdom Trilogy is on sale in e-book format for $0.99 until December 7, 2022 at Amazon US.

I hope you all have a safe and happy holidays!
