Voracious Readers Only Review

VoraciousReadersOnly.com is a website service that states it "is dedicated to helping readers discover new authors and to help authors find readers who will love their work, write reviews, and help them build word of mouth." I tried out VoraciousReadersOnly.com with my new fantasy novel Plea to a Frozen God, and I'll provide you some data and feedback on how the experience was.

VoraciousReadersOnly.com offers a free introductory book giveaway (one per author), which attempts to find you 20 new readers. The author provides an electronic copy of their book either directly to readers who sign up to read your book, or to an upload site where readers can download your eBook at their convenience. After the free 20-reader introductory offer, Voracious Readers Only provides an ongoing promotion to continue to offer your book to new readers starting at $30 USD a month. In return for offering readers your book for free, the Voracious Readers Only agreement allows authors to add the readers to their email list (readers give permission for you to contact them via email when they request a review copy of your book). 

I signed up for the free 20 book giveaway on August 1, 2024 and decided to directly e-mail readers an epub file of my novel. Within 48 hours, 20 readers had offered to read and review my free eBook, and I sent them their files. Voracious Readers Only was very responsive, and sent me a CSV file with the 20 readers and their email addresses, which I added to my mailing list. 

The online process was quick, smooth, and easy and I have no complaints about enrollment. Unfortunately, as of October 14, 2024 (over two months since sending the 20 free eBooks), I've only received one review from a Voracious Readers Only reader. That particular review was negative, and written with grade school grammar (i.e., not of the quality that even were it a positive review would you want to use it for promotional quotes). 

So in this case, I've gotten what I've paid for. I'll continue to track the list of 20 readers who received free books, in case more reviews pop up in the future, but currently, I have no plans to pay Voracious Readers Only to give my books away for free.

Overall, the experience was worthwhile from the standpoint that at no cost, I got to introduce my novel to 20 potential new readers and add them to my mailing list. Beyond this, however, the returns are limited. I'll provide additional updates if I receive more reviews or decide to try the $30 USD a month extended plan.
